razdc installer do not come up on ESXi - CLOSED

Forums > Troubleshooting > razdc installer do not come up on ESXi - CLOSED

Post #1
I tried to install the latest 4er Version. If you choose on ESXi the host OS centOS8 the only the rocky installe run through. To get the razDC Installer also choose CentOS7!

Post #2
I have not yet published any install docs for ESX install.
What version ESX are you running?
What are you using to deploy RazDC4 OVA? ISO? noauto-ISO?

i will test an install and see if I can duplicate your situation. I will also document my install and post if it works. This may or may not work for you depending on what version of ESX you are running.

Bryan King

Post #3
The difference between CentOS8 and CentOS7 is EFI boot. Setup RazDC4 using "Red hat Enterprise Linux 8" and set boot to "BIOS" instead of "EFI".
Bryan King

Post #4
I can confirm that using "Redhat Enterprise Linux 8" and BIOS boots and installs without problems.
Bryan King

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