RazDC4-Community-11012022.ova no bootable disk - CLOSED

Forums > Troubleshooting > RazDC4-Community-11012022.ova no bootable disk - CLOSED

Post #1
I'm using the RazDC4-Community-11012022.ova image.
It seems like the image is broken when starting on Proxmox.
Steps to reproduce:

wget RazDC4-Community-11012022.ova
qm importdisk 305 RazDC4-Community-11012022.ova ZFS_Main1 -format qcow2
attach disk as scsi 0
start vm

Post #2
Hey, thanks for posting. I don't have a proxmox server up at the moment but I can get one setup in the next day or two. Can you tell me the version of Proxmox you are running, and also confirm that you are using a BIOS boot type not an EFI.
Bryan King

Post #3
I just completed testing ISO setup and posted instructions.

If you wish to use the OVA:

First, extract the .ova file to get access to the disk image file:

"tar xvf RazDC4-Community-11012022.ova"



Notice that one of the extracted files is a disk image: RazDC4-Community-disk001.vmdk

Import the virtual disk. In your scenario:

"qm  importdisk 305 RazDC4-Community-disk001.vmdk ZFS_Main1 -format qcow2"

importing disk 'RazDC4-Community-disk001.vmdk' to VM 305 ...
  Logical  volume "vm-305-disk-1" created.
transferred 0.0 B of 8.0 GiB (0.00%)
transferred 81.9 MiB of 8.0 GiB (1.00%)
transferred  8.0 GiB of 8.0 GiB (100.00%)
Successfully imported disk as 'unused0:ZFS_Main1:vm-305-disk-1'

NOTE:  You will need the imported ID: "vm-305-disk1"

attach  disk as scsi 0:

"qm set 305 --scsihw virtio-scsi-pci --scsi0 ZFS_Main1:vm-305-disk-1"

update  VM 305: -scsi0 local-lvm:vm-305-disk-1 -scsihw virtio-scsi-pci

Set as boot drive:

"qm set 305 --boot order=scsi0"

start vm:

"qm start 305"
Bryan King

Post #4
After thoughts...

You may want to consider removing the original scsi0:

"qm set 305 --delete unused0"

and cleanup the folder where you downloaded the OVA:

"rm RazDC-Community*"
Bryan King

Post #5
Once I booted the VM it failed..

I noticed this: qm set 305 --scsihw virtio-scsi-pci --scsi0 ZFS_Main1:vm-100-disk-1

Should be: qm set 305 --scsihw pvscsi --scsi0 ZFS_Main1:vm-100-disk-1

Replace 'virto-scsi-pci'  with 'pvscsi'.

Once  it booted, I get dracut errors. The UUID of the disk nolonger aligns with the boot config. I will see if there is a work around other than ISO install.
Bryan King

Post #6
I think the best option for Proxmox might be to perform an ISO install as the OVA was originally intended for Vmware. Now that Vmware has been absorbed and has a questionable future, I think we will only provide ISO going forward.
Bryan King

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