RazDC4 VirtualBox Deployment

Forums > Installation > RazDC4 VirtualBox Deployment

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Virtual Box Setup
Note: VirtualBox is not recommended for production it is known as “Type 2 Hypervisor” and is not intended for long term hosting or production. VirtualBox is a wonderful tool for temporary setups, testing, etc.. While VirtualBox may have other production qualifications, I do not recommend running any production server on VirtualBox.
Use  the default RazDC4-Community.iso.
Create a new VM from the toolbar:

1.Name  the new instance
2.Select the folder location (or use default)
3.Select the RazDC ISO image
*Check: “Skip Unattended Installation”
The ISO already contains a kickstart of the default installation parameters. If you do not check this, the built in kickstart will be ignored and a default Rocky 8 Linux install will be performed!

If VirtualBox does not recognize the installation type automatically, possibly due to an older version, you can select these manually. Type: “Linux”, Version: “Red Hat (x64)” or “RedHat8 (x64)”.

Adjust your Memory and CPU as needed. (For a 1-20 users 1xCPU and 2 GB ram is adequate)
*Uncheck: “Enable EFI (Special OSes only)”

RazDC does not use a large amount of disk capacity, 16GB is usually enough. However, circumstances are always different for each setup so allocate as needed.

Review your settings and finish.
Other considerations:
Network Settings are in NAT mode by default, you may want to change this to bridged more otherwise your PC will be on a different subnet/network and RazDC will not be accessible via web UI.

Audio is enabled by default but is not required. Disabling this save system resources from making unnecessary system interrupt calls and save CPU cycles.

Floppy is also not required and can be disabled for the same reasons.

Bryan King

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