Update RazDC4 from command line - CLOSED/RESOLVED

Forums > How-To > Update RazDC4 from command line - CLOSED/RESOLVED

Post #1
RazDC4 is ran from an SVN repo so just running commands will make sure you are updated and permissions are correct:

svn checkout  https://razdc.com:8443/svn/community /razdc --username enduser --password 1234 --non-interactive --trust-server-cert --no-auth-cache  --force

then run the following to set permissions:

chmod 0777 /razdc/www/cgi-bin/*.pl
Bryan King

Post #2
This has been replaced by a new command in the 'raz' console menu! In the console, type 'raz' and press enter, then type update and press enter again.
Bryan King

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